Jema Killala-Barnard

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Sixth Venus Gate of Descent in Capricorn

The journey of Venus travelling through our sky mirrors the myth of the Descent of Inanna. At this time, we are continuing the phase of her descent; meeting each of the seven gates of initiation that lead to the underworld.

At each gate Inanna must remove one of her mes, which are detailed in Sumerian mythology as divine orders that are essential in understanding a human-god relationship; the mes can be considered sacred powers that make civilisation possible, and each corresponds to a Venus Gate (a visible Venus-Moon conjunction). 

·       On 13th August Venus joined the Sun at 20°28’ Leo. Beginning a new 19-month synodic cycle at her pentagram point. Venus Pentagram Point in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On August 17th Venus became visible above the horizon in the morning sky, still retrograde at 18°07’ Leo.

·       On September 4th Venus stations direct at 12°12’.

·       On 11th September, Venus meets the waning Moon at 13°19’ Leo to form the first Venus Gate of descent. First Venus Gate of Descent in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 10th October, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°20’ Virgo to form the second Venus Gate of descent. Second Venus Gate of Descent in Virgo – The gate of perception — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 9th November, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°07’ Libra to form the third Venus Gate of descent. Third Venus Gate of Descent in Libra — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 9th December, Venus meets the waning Moon at 5°40’ Scorpio to form the fourth Venus Gate of descent. Fourth Venus Gate of Descent in Scorpio — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 8th January, Venus meets the waning Moon at 12°06’ Sagittarius to form the fifth Venus Gate of descent. Fifth Venus Gate of Descent in Sagittarius — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 7th February, Venus meets the waning Moon at 19°05’ Capricorn to form the sixth Venus Gate of descent.


Offering her measuring rod and ring, Inanna enters the gate of creativity. The closer to the underworld she travels, the more deep and dark the sacred mysteries become. Here at the sacral chakra, the womb space, we recognise that the seat of our creativity is not in the flurry of inspiration and colour. It is much more about the empty space of potential, within which our creation might grow.

Just a few days after the pagan celebration of Imbolc, meaning “in the belly” we meet this Venus gate and recognise the repeated theme. Imbolc comes with the earliest signs of spring, the focus is not just on the new life that we are beginning to see in the earliest spring flowers. But it is hidden below the bare, snow covered earth. Teeming with secret life, dormant plants and hidden seeds are beginning to send out shoots and preparing buds ready for the longer warmer spring days ahead. We collaborate with nature by planting seeds, cleansing spaces and planning for future abundance. The Sun is returning and we are in the space before.

The womb holds potential, it witnesses beginnings, nurtures our beautiful creative projects and births them into the world.

So often we fill our lives with busyness and productivity, but the open space is what allows us to breath life into new projects. You cannot expect your greatest creations to spring forth from the tiny gaps in your to do list.

Navigating wild terrain is the gift of Capricorn, the goat, always steady on her feet. She brings form and structure to energy, moulds the potential into the present. She is the cold winter earth. There was a time when Capricorn season could only be survived if you had prepared well (this is still true in some places). The bountiful harvest has long finished and the ground is cold and hard. The season is welcomed by the feasting of yule but for many this would have been a time of waiting, of planning, of dreaming. Capricorn is the bones. From here you dream. The fertile ground will soon come back to life, what will you plant in your garden?

From Capricorn we learn that effort is rewarded, but the womb teaches us to wait in stillness. The tension between these two truths is present at this gate. Wisdom is knowing how to recognise the next step to take and allowing yourself space to be present with what is in the moment.

Venus and the Moon are between the lunar nodes,  you stand between the old and new. Give to the past what no longer belongs in your future. This is an opportunity to make space and open up to the potential of what can only happen if you let go of what is no longer serving you.

Chiron, the nodes and Uranus are all asking you to be open to opportunities, to be flexible and ready for change, to welcome in new people and projects. None of this is possible in a packed schedule when you are overloaded with responsibilities and tasks.

A wise teacher told me that every manifestation is also a banishment, you cannot call in your hell yes without also saying a hell no to everything that is not in alignment with that reality. This is a turning point and there may be things that you need to turn down in order to make space for something better that is just ahead of you. You are making space.

Inanna must trust that as she heads into the unknown, the plans that she has made, messages that she has left, will bring her help when she needs them. As will the seeds that you have sewn bring you a harvest at the time that you are ready. Trusting that the universe is conspiring to reward you for seeds that were sewn long ago, those investments that have equipped you for the next chapter.

Mars sextile Neptune can make it hard to stay present with the now, we may be prone to escapism but this moment is where the magic is, take a deep breath, hold it for a second, you’ve got this!

The sacral chakra is the seat of our emotions and longs for expression. Hiding or repressing emotions will always do harm to us sooner or later but this is also true of releasing them in harmful ways.  This Leo Venus cycle is teaching you how to express yourself in authentic and empowered ways, taking ownership of your emotions. Recognising emotional patterns, naming feelings and increase self knowledge will give you space to express your emotions, whilst also having healthy boundaries. Tears are healing for the soul, normalise crying, normalise holy rage, notice where emotions live in your body and what they are trying to tell you. Emotions need to flow through you, release them when you can.

As Inanna lays down her tools of creation, she allows herself to trust the unknown. These symbols of queenhood, of womanhood are not what define her. In the void, the cave, the cauldron lies the potentiality of all creation.

Prompts for Journaling or a Tarot Spread:

 How can I make more space in my life for what is to come?

What are the seeds that I want to plant for the future?

Map out the life that you are intentionally creating make a 10year/5year/1year plan.

What is standing between you and creating your future?