Third Venus Gate of Descent in Libra

The journey Venus travelling through our sky mirrors the myth of the Descent of Inanna. At this time, we are continuing the phase of her descent; meeting each of the seven gates of initiation that lead to the underworld.


At each gate Inanna must remove one of her mes, which are detailed in Sumerian mythology as divine orders that are essential in understanding a human-god relationship; the mes can be considered sacred powers that make civilisation possible, and each corresponds to a Venus Gate (a visible Venus-Moon conjunction). 


• On 13th August Venus joined the Sun at 20°28’ Leo. Beginning a new 19 month synodic cycle at her pentagram point. Venus Pentagram Point in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

• On August 17th Venus became visible above the horizon in the morning sky, still retrograde at 18°07’ Leo.

• On September 4th Venus stations direct at 12°12’.

• On 11th September, Venus meets the waning Moon at 13°19’ Leo to form the first Venus Gate of descent. First Venus Gate of Descent in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

• On 10th October, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°20’ Virgo to form the second Venus Gate of descent. Second Venus Gate of Descent in Virgo – The gate of perception — Jema Killala-Barnard (

On 9th November, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°07’ Libra to form the third Venus Gate of descent.

As Inanna reaches the third gate, she is aware that to pass through she must surrender one of her sacred powers. But still she asks “why?” and again she is given the same answer. “Quiet Inanna the ways of the underworld are perfect, they may not be questioned.” She hears as the gatekeeper as he removes her double strand necklace. They represent the power of her divine voice  and at the gate of communication she must allow this power to be taken, so that she can truly understand the magick of her words.

This is a path of self discovery, each step peeling back the false narratives that you have been telling yourself. At the previous gate, the gate of perception, you questioned the way that you saw yourself and the world. You learned to lean into a deeper, instinctive, gut wisdom, an earthy embodied knowing. You faced your inner critic and the layers and layers of beliefs and ideals that dull your perception, to see things as they really are. Now that you understand the filters through which you were observing yourself, you are able to see more clearly.

The next gate asks about how you interact with others, how do you communicate? Have you been sharing  a distorted view of yourself? Are you presenting a false version of who you are to gain acceptance or popularity? Why are you trying to make others feel comfortable at the expense of your truth?

‘Your words are a spell, that’s why we call it spelling.’ There is great power in carefully chosen words, but we forget that every word is a spell. What spells are you casting over yourself? How are you shaping your world with the carelessly chosen, unconscious words and thoughts that you throw around every day? This gate brings your attention to the possibility that you have far more control than you realise. You have been crafting your reality this entire time.

Libra is the home of Venus, a sign that seeks connection, relationship, harmony. Her shadow is indecision, people pleasing, the loss of self so that she can merge with others. She is in many ways the opposite of Venus in Leo, the keeper of this cycle, who longs for unapologetic authenticity. True expression at all costs.

Venus in Libra will shapeshift to avoid the discomfort of others and yet her intoxicating beauty and softness draw others to her. She values justice, but the aim of justice is to keep the peace, to allow all to thrive in safety. Building a civilisation with values of equity, virtue and refinement. Libra is comfortable behind a mask, but in this Leo cycle, its time to take off the mask! Leave the good girl persona behind. Face the truth even if it unleashes chaos on the status quo.

This gate comes on the heels of eclipse season that began with a solar eclipse in Libra, with the south node of the Moon. The collective has entered a time of karmic release, a re orientation to the fire of Aries, the home of Mars, the warrior, the self.

Turning to Scorpio we see the Sun drawing close to Mars in his domain as Venus meets the Moon in hers. This illumination of both Venus and Mars brings a potency to your experience of the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. Recognising both ends of the polarity in all of their collaborative glory. There is a strength in these placements that challenges you to rise rather than shrink. The divine union of masculine and feminine does not call for sacrifice or compromise. To deny any part of yourself or to make yourself smaller only robs the union of the wholeness that you ultimately long for. The fullest expression of this polarity is where the magick lies. Holding it all to the light. Holding yourself to the highest, most embodied, present, sovereign version of your whole self. The alchemical marriage, offers a vision of what can be achieved through embracing polarity, experiencing it all, embracing it all, becoming it all.

Opposing the Sun and Mars, Uranus opens the door to sudden change and the opportunity to jump to new timelines. There are always choices about how you show up in each moment, Uranus often gives a glimpse of a version of yourself with a new level of spiritual maturity, a higher version. With the challenge “are you ready to be your higher self now?” And if you choose to live in this new timeline then what kind of life begins to manifest around you? What can you no longer keep? What self sabotaging behaviours will your higher self no longer tolerate? And who will no longer be around if you have a new level of authenticity, of power, of rebelliousness? Every manifestation is also a banishment, to say a full body yes to one thing will mean that others need to be left behind, this is the nature of growth.

Inviting this evolution, Pluto trines Venus and sextiles Mercury bringing a deeply transformational energy if we dare to lean into it. Pluto transforms through death and re birth, there is nothing gentle about these transitions but as he harmoniously aspects Venus and Mercury joins them both, there is an opportunity to easily shift the way we express ourselves in relationship.

As Inanna steps through the gate of communication, she can no longer hide her truth, she is unmasked, unleashed and the power of her words is fully realised. It is time to take responsibility for your words and recognise the power of giving a voice to your truth. You are the spell caster, it’s time to craft your reality with intention.


Prompts for Journaling or a Tarot Spread:


What spells am I unconsciously crafting with my words?

Is there a gap between my truth and the reality that I want to craft?

What actions do I need to take to re spell my reality?

How can I embrace the masculine and feminine polarity within myself to create integration and wholeness?

What is my spell/mantra for this gate?

Jema Killala-Barnard

Venusian Astrologer

Using Venus Cycles to explore your shadow with compassion and reclaim your divine power

Writer @universal.sync

Fourth Venus Gate of Descent in Scorpio


Second Venus Gate of Descent in Virgo – The gate of perception