Venus Pentagram Point in Leo

Following her sacred dance, Venus is in her retrograde phase. This is the closest she gets to the earth, marking the completion of her Capricorn cycle. As she meets the Sun once again she forms a pentagram point in radiant, sun kissed Leo and begins anew.

The Capricorn cycle began in January 2022. Capricorn is an earth sign, grounded and reliable. When Venus is in Capricorn thoughts are about work, commitments and empire building with a strong focus on feminine values. I’ve seen the divine feminine expressed in work and business a lot since January 2022. Many people have been exploring what it looks like to prioritise flow and to plan their work cyclically, by the moon or regularly working with their cycle. Grounding ourselves in these natural rhythms is such a powerful way to regulate our nervous systems, honour our bodies and harness the dense energy of creative legacy building.

At the midpoint of that cycle Venus formed her underworld pentagram point in Libra. The shadow of Libra is people pleasing, playing the good girl and setting aside your desires to appease others. It brought a meeting with shadow; the Sun illuminates the darkness and burns away our ability to ignore these patterns.

It was a time to stop playing small to protect the feelings of others, which is never a healthy way to maintain balance. A time to re connect, make space for indulgence and level up your self-care practices. You had an opportunity to reveal your hidden desires and follow your heart at the cost of comfort, respectable appearance, maybe even relationships with others.

The Capricorn cycle brought the rise of the boss goddess, building her queendom, trusting her own cyclical nature, committing to following her desires and accepting the cost. Pluto made it clear that transformation was required to step into the fullness of this journey. This was a time for you to hear your goddess call, shed your skins, and step into a new radiance... completed at this meeting with the lioness throne in Leo!

Welcome to this new initiation! A new cycle, Venus in Leo.

Retrogrades slow things down. In astrology slowness creates a deeper imprint, they are longer lasting, and you bathe in their essence, so it seeps through your pores.

Venus is in Leo from July 7th to November 3rd, this hasn’t happened since 2015. Now is a perfect time to reflect on this 8-year cycle and what you were doing back then. How is this summer bringing up the same themes? How have the last 8 years equipped you to shine in this next Leo cycle?

Authentic brilliance is the heart of Leo, the unapologetic, luminous, truth of how fabulous you can be when you allow yourself to shine. Imagine what would be possible over the next 19 months if you peel back the layers that are dulling your shine. Venus meets the Moon 8 times before sinking below the horizon. Each of these sacred meetings of the feminine celestial bodies forms an opportunity to release something that you are hiding behind. The Venus Gates, each a challenge to allow yourself to be laid bare. To follow the sacred heroines journey, the descent of Inanna, a journey within, to the underworld and back again.

Drawing you inwards over the next 9 months she will enter the underworld, when Venus is no longer visible in the sky. She will kiss the Sun in Gemini on June 4th, 2024. Here she enters a space of death and rebirth, a sacred darkness a meeting with the Sun to burn away any residual stories. An initiation to face your Gemini shadow, fully illuminated. Reaching into the depths of our compassion to greet the dark feminine with sacred vulnerable love. Welcoming her pain, her wild anger, untethered anguish. Recognising her pain as your own. Allowing yourself to alchemise her darkness through you. Allowing yourself to become her, so that you can become more than her. So that you can embody the fullness of your authentic self.

Unlike the heroes journey taking you out into the world, the heroines journey takes you within. Only when you have faced this darkness can you fully realise your deepest feminine potential. This journey opens a connection to your feminine power, creative resources and most potent and magickal healing potential. When you face death and re birth you can never return as the same person.

The call is never to stay in the darkness, your journey of ascent is just as important. At each Venus Gate on the way down to the underworld you left something behind. But on the ascent you re visit each gate to reclaim what you now need. The Gates correspond to chakras as in the journey of Inanna. Beginning with the lowest chakras this journey of reclamation strengthens and empowers, it allows pause for deeper integration and self-compassion.

Whether you choose to walk this path with intention or not I know there are times that you have journeyed to the underworld. This awareness allows you to alchemise those experiences, gain deeper wisdom around their meaning and to retain your power and autonomy even in the darkest of times. There is always an opportunity to write your own story and Venus is inviting you to follow your feminine fire and discover your inner lioness with her over the next 19 months.

Venus Dates

Gates of descent 2023-2024

13th August - Venus Pentagram Point in Leo

19th August - Heliacal Rising

11th September - First Venus Gate - Leo - Crown chakra

10th October - Second Venus Gate - Virgo - Third eye chakra

9th November - Third Venus Gate - Libra - Throat chakra

9th December - Fourth Venus Gate - Scorpio - Heart chakra

8th January - Fifth Venus Gate - Sagittarius - Solar plexus chakra

7th February - Sixth Venus Gate - Capricorn- Sacral chakra

8th March - Seventh Venus Gate - Aquarius - Root chakra

7th April - Eighth Venus Gate - Aries - Gate of Death

24th April - Heliacal setting

Gates of Ascent 2024-2025

4th June – Underworld Venus Pentagram Point in Gemini

11th July - Heliacal Rising

6th August - First Venus Gate - Virgo - Root chakra

6th September - Second Venus Gate - Libra - Sacral chakra

6th October - Third Venus Gate - Scorpio - Solar plexus chakra

5th November - Fourth Venus Gate - Sagittarius - Heart chakra

5th December - Fifth Venus Gate - Capricorn - Throat chakra

3rd January - Sixth Venus Gate - Pisces - Third eye chakra

1st February - Seventh Venus Gate - Pisces - Crown chakra

1st March - Eighth Venus Gate - Aries - Gate of Heaven

16th March - Heliacal Setting

22nd March - Venus Pentagram Point in Aries (New cycle in Aries)

Jema Killala-Barnard

Venusian Astrologer

Using Venus Cycles to explore your shadow with compassion and reclaim your divine power

Writer @universal.sync

First Venus Gate of Descent in Leo