Jema Killala-Barnard

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Fifth Venus Gate of Descent in Sagittarius

The journey of Venus travelling through our sky mirrors the myth of the Descent of Inanna. At this time, we are continuing the phase of her descent; meeting each of the seven gates of initiation that lead to the underworld.

At each gate Inanna must remove one of her mes, which are detailed in Sumerian mythology as divine orders that are essential in understanding a human-god relationship; the mes can be considered sacred powers that make civilisation possible, and each corresponds to a Venus Gate (a visible Venus-Moon conjunction). 


·       On 13th August Venus joined the Sun at 20°28’ Leo. Beginning a new 19-month synodic cycle at her pentagram point. Venus Pentagram Point in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On August 17th Venus became visible above the horizon in the morning sky, still retrograde at 18°07’ Leo.

·       On September 4th Venus stations direct at 12°12’.

·       On 11th September, Venus meets the waning Moon at 13°19’ Leo to form the first Venus Gate of descent. First Venus Gate of Descent in Leo — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 10th October, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°20’ Virgo to form the second Venus Gate of descent. Second Venus Gate of Descent in Virgo – The gate of perception — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 9th November, Venus meets the waning Moon at 1°07’ Libra to form the third Venus Gate of descent. Third Venus Gate of Descent in Libra — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 9th December, Venus meets the waning Moon at 5°40’ Scorpio to form the fourth Venus Gate of descent. Fourth Venus Gate of Descent in Scorpio — Jema Killala-Barnard (

·       On 8th January, Venus meets the waning Moon at 12°06’ Sagittarius to form the fifth Venus Gate of descent.


The fifth Venus gate is the gate of personal power. At this gate Inanna removes her golden rings of power from her wrists. We reflect on our own relationship to our sacred inner power, the dark feminine power of our will.

Without doubt this is the power that drives our actions, but our real focus is what lies beneath. Our motivations rather than the actions themselves, and the limiting or harmful beliefs within. Our solar plexus holds our fiercely burning light, the one that we each must tend in our inner temple. The spark of purpose, self-belief, and the will to succeed.

As you delve into the lower chakras you begin to see that each month, she calls you deeper and you ask again “and what is beneath that?.”

The external authorities, distorted perceptions, carelessly chosen words, abandonment of self, they bring you here and ask what has been beneath all of your observations on this journey? Where are you placing your power.

Sagittarius deals in eternal, all encompassing, wisdom. Adventuring, learning and broadening horizons, yes. But in it’s shadow is a deep resistance to ever examining that central truth. Sagittarius is all for pushing the boundaries and expanding the vision, but what if the core value is distorted. What if the adventure is actually taking you away from your purpose? What if your purpose, you daily habits and your 2024 plans are out of alignment. Where is your power going then?

As you remember what you have already learned at each gate, are these reflections a mirror of your purpose? Have you been realigning along the way? As you look at your radiant inner flame can you say that you are honouring her with the soul expression that is your life?

Reaching across the skies, Venus, and the Moon welcome healing from Chiron. The healer whose purpose was only truly realised through his wounding and constant pain. Whilst wishing for constant pain would almost certainly be a mistake, I would encourage you to look for constant reminders of where you are directing your power. Making the unconscious decisions conscious can transform the way you interact with the world on every level. It is only by reaching these deeper levels that we can make authentic consistent changes to our thoughts, words, perceptions, and devotion.

Find reminders all around you that reflect the radiance of your purpose and allow them to be your mirror. In the flame of a candle, the feel of the wet grass beneath your feet, the melody of a song, the smell of freshly baked bread or the taste of a cup of tea.

You have the ability to experience every moment as divine connection and to remember that the divinity is always within you. As you tend the sacred flame it will grow with a steady bright warm light that shapes your aura, actions, and the path of your life.

Change is in the air as the Sun trines Uranus, do you feel it? In April Jupiter will expand this Uranian current. As the world shifts you will have all of the resources you need, within you. Remember that often the people who wield their power like an axe, are not the ones who will weather a storm. Often the people who stand the tallest have the shakiest foundations. Your purpose is not to look like anyone else, you don’t need to compare or copy, you have your own unique flame to tend and nothing to prove to anyone!

Mars rules the solar plexus and is making big positive aspects to Saturn and Jupiter, his support should not be undervalued. However, the tower card represents Mars in tarot, maybe the most negative card in the deck. It reminds us that our inner power, our martial resiliency is proved in the storm, in the war, in the crumbling tower.

My friend Carrie (@hotcarriesummer) taught me that mars was originally a god of agriculture, he draws his sword not for the sake of violence, but to defend his land, his home, his people. His focus is on the land and providing for those who live on it. The tower card does not ask for our fear. The tower card asks us to see where we would crumble when the lightning hits. To ask ourselves why we even need a tower? Would we be happier if we let it fall, if we got out of our own way to build the castle that we really wanted? Mars is not looking for a fight, He is our protection. The warrior spirit that comes from a place of love, of deep care.

Your fight should always come from this sacred place of love and purpose and steadfast determination to succeed. It is to protect and nurture your sacred flame. Your divine purpose.


Prompts for Journaling or a Tarot Spread:

What is my sacred flame/souls purpose?

Am I using my power in ways that aren’t aligned with my purpose?

What would I fight to protect?

Have I built walls that are holding me in old stories? Can I allow them to crumble?