Venus Rose Point in Gemini - Inanna Reborn

Venus has been below the horizon for a while now, too close to the Sun for us to see. Our bright and beautiful morning star will not appear before sunrise for almost a year but on 4th June she will meet with the Sun again, before she enters her evening star phase.

As we follow the journey of the Descent on Inanna she is deep in the underworld, held by death, death at the hands of her sister, at the hands of her own choices. As she embarked on her journey of compassion and curiosity she chose the possibility of her death. She chose to leave comfort to experience something deeper. The cries of pain and anguish from her grieving sister drew her, she heard the call and knew that whatever may happen this was a journey that she needed to take.

I have a deep recognition of this restlessness within myself, the feeling that anything would be better than another moment of normality, of mediocrity. Riches, power, adoration, family, and yet she knew there was more for her, she knew her soul craved the depths, so she set a course for the great bellow. Whatever the cost.

Stripped of all of her power, alone, naked and crawling on her hands and knees she arrived at the source of the call. Her sister Ereshkigal, who was all too familiar with loneliness.

Goddess of the great below, she had been handed the gift of death, decay and ashes. Grieving the loss of her husband she aims all of her anger, jealousy and bitterness towards Inanna. Why must one sister be handed the gift of adoration and riches whilst she held only the ashes of death?

Sentenced to death at the hands of her sister Inanna didn’t even fight. This was a time for compassion and acceptance, to surrender yet again as she had at each of the gates on her journey. This time she surrendered her life.

Her body hung on a meat hook on the wall for 3 days, and as she hung there Ereshkigal wept. Allowing all of the loss and jealousy and wild untameable rage to well up inside of her and as she screams she feels the pains of labour.

Oh the pain she screams, my stomach, my back

And the hears a response “Oh the pain, your stomach, your back”

“Oh my insides, oh my outsides” she cried

“Oh your insides, oh your outsides” they replied

“ahh my heart”

“ahh your heart” they called to her again

And as all of the pain and sadness passed through her body she looked to see these tiny creatures that had comforted her and witnessed her in her grief.

“Who are you?” she asked, as she offered them gifts that only a goddess can give, in exchange for their kindness.

“We wish only for the corpse hanging on your wall” they responded

In her gratitude she gave them the corpse of Inanna, they revived her with the bread of life and the water of life. They had been sent by her grandfather Enki to rescue her but her return to the heavens was not without cost. An exchange must be made, a soul for a soul.

The ascent is a series of choices, go back to your old life or consciously choose to craft a new one. Inanna is only permitted to leave the underworld if she will exchange another soul for hers. She will be the one to choose and each of her choices are shaped by her values and self respect. She is no longer the sacrifice. She is the altar. Not the corpse to be devoured but the sacred one to be revered. She rises to reclaim her autonomy and to re craft her life intentionally from the ground up.

She leaves the underworld followed by demons constantly asking her to choose a soul, reminding her of where she now comes from, not only the queen of heaven and earth but now the reborn queen returning from the underworld!

It seems fitting that at this point in her cycle, the Venus Star Point in Gemini, that Venus should be positioned in tension to Saturn. The god of time and discipline, one who ultimately devours all things into death, that they may form the fertile soil of re birth.

Venus has business with Saturn, she will not hide behind the Sun forever and as she is preparing for her re birth and return to her throne.

The drive to test foundations and discern the desires of your heart is a powerful force. This is a time to embrace the restrictions, feel their support, feel how they drive creativity, recognise what feels spacious and where you are fighting. There will always be much to fight. Make sure you are not just fighting because you found a boundary to fight against. Assess your inner landscape, recognise what these walls are protecting, when you realise that they are built of love and their goal is to protect you from pain you can speak to their fears, honour their misplaced devotion and re shape the terrain you craft going forward.

Wildly optimistic Jupiter joins Mercury to harmoniously trine Pluto in Aquarius. The god of death driving transformative power in words and thoughts. Both in air signs they speak to intellect, curiosity, and your sacred voice. The depth of the abyss is so often navigated with the mind alone, darkness is intellectualised, death is detached and clinical, emotions are analysed rather than allowed it to settle deep into your bones. Pluto is here to remind you that if you stay at the surface, if you don’t go deep and allow death to take what no longer belongs to life then your foundations will be forever compromised. You are always evolving, none of this work is a one time thing, that’s how planetary cycles support us on this spiral we call life.

Welcome to the ascent, the re birth, the rise of the evening star.

Join my mailing list to be the first to know when we launch the next phase of our Venus programme “The Ascent of Inanna”!


Venus Cycle Dates 2024-2025

4th June – Underworld Venus Pentagram Point in Gemini

11th July - Heliacal Rising

6th August - First Venus Gate - Virgo - Root chakra

6th September - Second Venus Gate - Libra - Sacral chakra

6th October - Third Venus Gate - Scorpio - Solar plexus chakra

5th November - Fourth Venus Gate - Sagittarius - Heart chakra

5th December - Fifth Venus Gate - Capricorn - Throat chakra

3rd January - Sixth Venus Gate - Pisces - Third eye chakra

1st February - Seventh Venus Gate - Pisces - Crown chakra

1st March - Eighth Venus Gate - Aries - Soul star chakra

16th March - Heliacal Setting

22nd March - Venus Pentagram Point in Aries (New cycle in Aries)

Jema Killala-Barnard

Venusian Astrologer

Using Venus Cycles to explore your shadow with compassion and reclaim your divine power

Writer @universal.sync

Venus and Alchemy: Re imagining the Venus gates


Eighth Venus Gate of Descent in Aries